Can you help us find the lost Time Capsule Owners from Dubbo? In 1989 willing participants packaged up their keepsakes and rocketed then through time to 2014. The date for the arrive of the time machine is set down for the 4th October but we are still hunting for the last 10% of owners and or recipients. 
Help us find them. We know that some of the people on the list below have died, and we hope to pass their capsules on to family members who may no longer live in the Dubbo area.
Do know any of the names on the following list? If so, please get in contact with them, or point us in the right direction. Let us know by sending a message from the Contact us page.
The names on the left are the senders, and the names on the right are either contacts or intended recipients.
John and Lou Black >> Jay and Wade McCarthy
Raymond and Patricia Flynn >> Mark Flynn >> Adam Ross Sadler
LD & BA Foley
Peter and Naomi Hale >> Joshua Peter Hale >> Pixie Burke
Patricia Mitchell >> Kim and Scott Mitchell
Avril and John Richards >> Aaron Richards >> Jodie and Patricia Williamson
Nathan and John Troy >> Lance and Kerry Baird
Ron and Lindy Allen
Please help us to get the Time Capsules to the rightful owners.
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